This the Oceanic Communication of my daughter Wimmy and Me.
Wimmy…my daughter is diving in deep ocean..in the very blue ocean, sending oceanic signal :
Wimmy…my daughter is diving in deep ocean..in the very blue ocean, sending oceanic signal :
I hear the Fish talking with Wimmy:
FISH......why U swin & diving like me with so many thing equipment like toy ?
HUMAN...diving is so very peace, cool why Fish don't U walk with me having coffe and chatting Facebook ?
FISH...walk ? chatting? coffee? facebook? what a complicated life U are the human ! living & diving is so peace man, why don't U ... why don’t U diving with me under 5,000 m under the sea, without any complicated equipment !Any way thanking U visiting me for the joy..but U R the human like a toy.
Then I read my Wimmy translation other Fish talks:
Oyster : What an amusing dad she has!
Shark : Do you think so??
Mermaid : 30m is pretty pressuring already for almost divers, now he made it to 5000m
Starfish : Let's presume that he's lost..
Whale : No he's not...
Jellyfish: so what then ?
Whale: silly !
Me: Rrrr…didn’t say tha dad…:app
Finally I saw fish gathering with diver Wimmy:
FISH…Hi Wimmy, today 22nd April 09 is the Earth Day, we celebrating gathering around coral reef , while we are so sad why human like catching us, eating us and always destorying our ecology..huhh human are "bad" !!
FISH.....Why Wimmy? why U R silent!, where is your mouth...U R so impolite ! We hate U !
****while all fish drops tears on their eyes, looking so sad ******
WIMMY…. We are very sorrow my brother/sisters, part of us are actually human, but part of us are Sins! Please let’s dancing and drinking together for celebrating the Earth Day today 22nd special for us !
FISH: Dancing ?, drinking ?, all my life are dancing and drinking salty water...not Wine all the time. So never regreat if only U can’t see us anymore, cause if our ecology destroyed by “sins human”,…we will be diving…living under 1,000 m beneath, Thousand of sorrows we are afraid of U…even “Wimmy…U R are actual human and our friend…still difficult for us to differentiate..except only Wimmy and the divers lovers for us…