anak2 ini sungguh menggoda puasa ditengah dahaga, di sungai depan pantai Jiku Merasa !
buka puasa bersama Rhenald dengan Pastor Oce di rumah Kyai.
makan bareng di rumah Pastor Oce.
Kini, peraih rekor Muri masakan Ikan diraih Putra Maluku.
Ajari budidaya tanaman Langka
Bandara Ambon
Kini...puluhan ribu ternak sapi berkembang di Pulau Buru
"WELCOME Rhenald " demikian sambutan Nona-nona Manise Maluku di rumah Pastoran penuh Harap ! Jika saja mereka di Jakarta, mungkin ada yang jadi None Jakarta di masa depan..!
"WELCOME Rhenald" so welcome Ladies Manise Moluccas in the Rectory house full Please! If only they were in Jakarta, there may be None Jakarta in the future ..!
Do not feel has been twelve years Maluku Province now feels more alive, comfortable and dynamic reach the future. Physically, though no visible wounds after long conflict in 2000's.
Roads opened up to vilages, trasnport air-sea & land smoothly. Ambon made entrance to the airport Friday, and far better than ten years ago. Flows from Jakarta to Ambon more often with new and larger aircraft. Just for the district of the island ~ has not changed, still as before, 2-3 times a week. The aircraft is also still a small size or with a boat propeller blades Fery but take 12 x longer. Electricity has been burning almost 24 hours in different cities of the island, to the islands, although several outages in the morning, for cooling the generator.
Stretching socioeconomic, hemmmm quite conducive, harmony has been restored, the wound had forgotten the past, in the market, park, harbor, shops, entertainment daily until neighbors in the community both in Ambon city or town districts such as Namlea, Masohi etc..
Curious if it's just strings attached, we take the journey together from 2 (two) friends of Muslims & Christians, to the interior of the social safari Ramadan, while the real test in fasting. We pick the house rectory Father Oce crossed together to Namlea Ambon. Our discussion along the way on the ship, apparently regarding the welfare or economic problems as the root of the main problems and who pose a challenge to society, both among the Muslims or Christians. Welfare problems (economic) challenges ahead, ranging from a basic one: How did the youth bsa work (involved), produce, enjoy life and achieve prosperity and progress onward. Especially with the unemployment gap is large, it could be a "fire in the chaff". Next, turn the soul & body, culture, culture and art as a strengthening estitic (adhesive factor) in building the harmonization of cross-community (ethnic, religious and across generations).
Considerable challenges they face, with an abundance of existing natural sumber2 (sea, garden, livestock, minerals etc.). Where do we start? while resources are extremely limited capital resources. While the financing of the budget sumber2 Country / Region actually quite a lot ~ but large enough that useless as a general pattern throughout the region and nationally and it is difficult to accommodate the methods / right pattern with the use of formal procedures of state budget / regions.
Can only be grateful to undergo social safari in the month of Ramadan in the Maluku region with two different people for one common purpose: leading change in the future to achieve prosperity & progress reach. Luckily, now head of the doctoral program comes companions UI, Prof. Rhenald "Change" Kasali, as a friend to bring changes to people of Maluku. "Welcome Rhenald" as their welcome, Sweet Lady Maluku (Manise) in the rectory house, the boys in the house Kyai, and people full of hope!
Do not feel has been twelve years Maluku Province now feels more alive, comfortable and dynamic reach the future. Physically, though no visible wounds after long conflict in 2000's.
Roads opened up to vilages, trasnport air-sea & land smoothly. Ambon made entrance to the airport Friday, and far better than ten years ago. Flows from Jakarta to Ambon more often with new and larger aircraft. Just for the district of the island ~ has not changed, still as before, 2-3 times a week. The aircraft is also still a small size or with a boat propeller blades Fery but take 12 x longer. Electricity has been burning almost 24 hours in different cities of the island, to the islands, although several outages in the morning, for cooling the generator.
Stretching socioeconomic, hemmmm quite conducive, harmony has been restored, the wound had forgotten the past, in the market, park, harbor, shops, entertainment daily until neighbors in the community both in Ambon city or town districts such as Namlea, Masohi etc..
Curious if it's just strings attached, we take the journey together from 2 (two) friends of Muslims & Christians, to the interior of the social safari Ramadan, while the real test in fasting. We pick the house rectory Father Oce crossed together to Namlea Ambon. Our discussion along the way on the ship, apparently regarding the welfare or economic problems as the root of the main problems and who pose a challenge to society, both among the Muslims or Christians. Welfare problems (economic) challenges ahead, ranging from a basic one: How did the youth bsa work (involved), produce, enjoy life and achieve prosperity and progress onward. Especially with the unemployment gap is large, it could be a "fire in the chaff". Next, turn the soul & body, culture, culture and art as a strengthening estitic (adhesive factor) in building the harmonization of cross-community (ethnic, religious and across generations).
Considerable challenges they face, with an abundance of existing natural sumber2 (sea, garden, livestock, minerals etc.). Where do we start? while resources are extremely limited capital resources. While the financing of the budget sumber2 Country / Region actually quite a lot ~ but large enough that useless as a general pattern throughout the region and nationally and it is difficult to accommodate the methods / right pattern with the use of formal procedures of state budget / regions.
Can only be grateful to undergo social safari in the month of Ramadan in the Maluku region with two different people for one common purpose: leading change in the future to achieve prosperity & progress reach. Luckily, now head of the doctoral program comes companions UI, Prof. Rhenald "Change" Kasali, as a friend to bring changes to people of Maluku. "Welcome Rhenald" as their welcome, Sweet Lady Maluku (Manise) in the rectory house, the boys in the house Kyai, and people full of hope!
Pantai Jikumerasa di pulau Buru...air bagai Kristall sangat Jernih !
Tak terasa sudah dua belas tahun lebih Maluku kini terasa lebih hidup, nyaman dan bergeliat menggapai masa depan. Secara fisik, seolah tiada nampak bekas2 luka konflik panjang pada tahun 2000 an.
Infrastruktur jalan dibuka hingga ke padalaman, trasnport udara -laut & darat lancar. Pintu masuk Ambon di buat dengan bandara anyar, dan jauh lebih bagus dibanding sepuluh tahun silam. Arus dari Jakarta ke Ambon makin sering dengan pesawat baru dan lebih besar. Hanya untuk ke kabupaten pulau ~ belum berubah, masih seperti semula, 2-3 kali seminggu. Pesawat juga masih ukuran kecil baling baling atau dengan kapal Fery namun makan waktu 12 x lebih lama. Listrik sudah menyala hampir 24 jam di berbagai kota pulau, hingga ke pulau pulau, meski beberapa kali padam di pagi hari, untuk mendinginkan genset.
Geliat sosial ekonomi masyarakat, hemmmm lumayan kondusif, harmonis sudah pulih, sudah melupakan luka masa lampau, di pasar, parkir, pelabuhan, toko, hiburan hingga sehari hari bertetangga di masyarakat baik di Ambon atau di kota kota kabupaten seperti Namlea, Masohi dll.
Penasaran apakah itu hanya basa basi, kami tempuh perjalanan bersama dari 2 (dua) sahabat Muslim & Nasrani, hingga ke pedalaman dalam safari sosial Ramadhan, sambil menguji nyata dalam berpuasa. Kami jemput Pastor Oce di rumah Pastoran Ambon menyeberang bersama ke Namlea. Diskusi kami sepanjang jalan di kapal, ternyata menyangkut kesejahteraan atau masalah ekonomi sebagai akar masalah utama dan yg menjadi tantangan bagi masyarakat, baik dikalangan Muslim atau Nasrani. Masalah kesejahteraan (ekonomi) menjadi tantangan kedepan, mulai dari yang mendasar: bgaimana pemuda bsa bekerja (terlibat aktif), menghasilkan, menikmati kehidupan dan seterusnya raih kesejahteraan dan kemajuan. Kesenjangan apalagi dengan pengangguran yang besar, bisa menjadi "api dalam sekam". Selanjutnya, menghidupkan jiwa & raga, budaya, kebudayaan dan kesenian sebagai estitika yang mempererat (faktor perekat) dalam membangun harmonisasi lintas masyarakat (etnis, agama dan lintas generasi).
Cukup besar tantangan yang mereka hadapi, dengan kelimpahan sumber2 alam yang ada (laut, kebun, ternak, mineral dlsb). Dari mana kami mulai ? sementara sumber sumber modal sungguh sangat terbatas. Sementara sumber2 pembiayaan dari anggaran Negara / Daerah sesungguhnya cukup banyak ~ namun cukup besar yang sia sia seperti pola umum di seantero daerah dan nasional dan sulit mengakomodasikan metode / pola yang tepat dengan prosedur formal penggunaan anggaran negara / daerah.
Hanya bisa bersyukur bisa menjalani safari sosial di bulan Ramadhan di wilayah Maluku dengan 2 masyarakat berbeda untuk satu tujuan yang sama : menjelang perubahan kedepan untuk raih kesejahteraan & gapai kemajuan. Beruntung, kini datang sahabat kepala program MM UI, Prof Rhenald "Change" Kasali, sebagai sahabat untuk membawa perubahan masyarakat Maluku. "Welcome Rhenald" demikian sambutan mereka, nona nona Manise di rumah Pastoran, para pemuda di rumah Kyai, dan masyarakat penuh harapan !